Streaming Availability API Documentation

Streaming Availability API allows getting streaming availability information of movies and series; and querying the list of available shows on streaming services such as Netflix, Disney+, Apple TV, Max and Hulu across 60 countries!

Getting started

To get started, subscribe to Streaming Availability API via RapidAPI. You can get started with a free plan without giving out any payment info and upgrade to a paid plan whenever you like. Free plan supports all the available features just as paid plans.

Once you get your API key from RapidAPI, you can read about how to make your first requests using our HTTP APIs or dedicated client libraries.



Learn how to get your API key and authorize your requests.

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Understand how to work with shows and streaming availability information based on your use-cases.

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Countries & Services

Take a look at the list of the supported countries and the streaming services available in each of them.

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Learn about the different types of images returned by the API.

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Understand how to work with localization.

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Find out how to work with paginated responses.

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Learn about the show model and how to retrieve shows with streaming availability information.


Learn about the country model and how to retrieve countries and supported streaming services for each of them.


Learn about the genre model and how to retrieve the list of supported genres.


Learn about the change model and how to retrieve the list of changes for streaming catalogs.

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